Dockside guarantees
The attraction of the Kimberley is a key plank in Tourism WA’s plan for the cruise ship industry to deliver $620m to the State economy over the next decade.
Former Defence and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith spoke to Sky News Australia about Gascoyne Gateway Limited’s proposed marine complex.
Former Defence and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith spoke to Sky News Australia about Gascoyne Gateway Limited’s proposed marine complex in Exmouth and the possible consideration of a new Force Posture Review to ensure Australia’s military assets are well-positioned for the future.
The segment aired on Sky News on 25 August 2021 and you can watch it here.
The attraction of the Kimberley is a key plank in Tourism WA’s plan for the cruise ship industry to deliver $620m to the State economy over the next decade.
The Environmental Scoping Document for Gascoyne Gateway’s project has been endorsed by the Environmental Protection Authority as final.